*Transfers/Freenames/Special Appointments

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*Transfers/Freenames/Special Appointments

County of Sonoma Sonoma County, California, United States

Job Description:

*Transfers/Freenames/Special Appointments


Position Information

You should be in this announcement if you are a permanent, probationary, or former Sonoma County employee and want to complete an application for transfer, voluntary demotion, freename, or retiree extra-help opportunities.

For County of Sonoma regular, probationary, or former employees, Human Resources maintains lists for job classes where there are individuals who meet the criteria and refers these lists to hiring departments when departments have vacancies in accordance with the Civil Service Rules and other policies or programs as applicable.
Transfer/Voluntary Demotion Opportunities

If you see that Human Resources is recruiting for a position where you would like to be considered for transfer/voluntary demotion or is soliciting transfer/voluntary demotion applications through some kind of communication channel, you may submit an application. You may also submit applications for these opportunities at any time with or without a current vacancy or solicitation.

Transfer Criteria

Voluntary Demotion Criteria

Transfer/Voluntary Demotion Process

Freename Opportunities

The Civil Service Rules provides regular (allocated) employees who were either laid off or resigned in good standing or are current regular employees, within five (5) years after the date of layoff or resignation, the opportunity to be placed on a "Freename" list to be considered for reappointment in a class the individual formerly occupied or in a lower-level class in the same series.

Additionally, regular employees who have received official layoff notice may request to be considered for appointment to closely related* classes that have the same or lower salary range from the date they receive their layoff notice for as long as 90 days beyond their layoff effective date, and a regular employee who has voluntarily demoted within two (2) years from the demotion may request reappointment to the class from which the employee demoted.

Eligible employees may submit applications at any time with or without a current vacancy, job announcement, or solicitation.

Free Name Process


Retiree Extra-Help Opportunities

Many Sonoma County retirees are uniquely qualified to step right into extra-help positions with little or no training and bring valuable knowledge and experience. Departments frequently ask if there are retirees interested in working vacation and leave relief coverage, part-time hours, and specific projects.

Government Code 7522.56 limits retiree extra-help to 960 hours per fiscal year. The extra-help employment must begin no later than five (5) years after the retirement date. Sonoma County retirees may be re-employed as extra help in the same class, a previously held class, or a lower-level class in the same series.

Government code prohibits the County of Sonoma from hiring retirees as extra-help if, during the 12-month period prior to the appointment, the retiree received unemployment insurance payments arising out of prior County of Sonoma employment.

PLEASE NOTE:Effective January 1, 2013, new legislation has set new parameters for individuals returning to County employment on a temporary basis which applies to "retiree extra-help." Prior to submitting your "retiree extra-help" application, please review the "Returning to work after retirement" section of the Sonoma County Employee Retirement Association website found at: https://scretire.org/active-/-deferred/retired/working-after-retirement

Retiree Extra-Help Process Hard Copy (Paper) Application Submittal

Human Resources encourages employees to use the online process, but if that is not available or desirable, employees may submit paper applications, but must also submit a cover letter describing their desire to be considered for transfer, voluntary demotion, freename, or retiree extra-help including the list of classifications they desire to be considered for. Employees can contact Human Resources to request the application materials.

To begin the process of applying for a transfer, voluntary demotion, freename, or as retiree extra-help, please click on the "Apply" link located at the top of this announcement.
Human Resources Department
575 Administration Drive, Suite 116B, Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

*Closely Related Class Definition

"Closely related class" means any class which has been designated by the Human Resources Director to have sufficiently similar duties and minimum qualifications to make a change of status compatible with Merit Systems Standards.

No benefits.
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